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NIGERIA@62: SDP Presidential Candidate Urges Nigerians to Choose a New Path for the Nation

NIGERIA@62: SDP Presidential Candidate Urges Nigerians to Choose a New Path for the Nation

 In commemoration of Nigeria's 62nd anniversary of independence, Prince Adewole Adebayo, presidential candidate of the Social Democratic Party (SDP), has urged Nigerian citizens to come together and form a people's republic in which the welfare, safety, and security of the common person is paramount to the state.

Prince Adebayo stated this in his speech commemorating Nigeria's independence on Saturday, October 1st.

He stated that, despite the country's ups and downs, this is an opportunity to chart a new course and do what is right as citizens.

“Today marks 62 years since we gained sovereignty from the United Kingdom of Great Britain. For a nation, such as ours and for any person who has spent 62 years there will be a lot of stories to tell; there will be low moments and high moments, there will be moments that will make us to question whether all of this is even worth it at all”. 

“But there are some moments like this when despite how many years we've been in the wilderness, we are coming to a junction where we have an opportunity to travel a road less traveled to make a pivot to choose a new direction, to do for ourselves what we ought to do to ourselves a long time ago, to form a people's republic where the welfare and the safety and security of the common person is paramount to the state.” 

Also Read: NIGERIA@62: SDP Presidential Candidate Urges Nigerians to Vote Progressively to Achieve a Progressive Nigeria

He stated that Nigerians should be grateful to the country's founding fathers for achieving independence from British rule, and that they should continue to do the right thing by voting for good governance in order to get it right for future generations.

“We also owe ourselves justice to do unto others only that which we want to do to ourselves and in this coming year we owe ourselves a special duty of commitment to the course of progress”.

 “We need to perform our civic duty in a manner which speaks truth to our desire for a good country, we need to vote in a good government that serves the interests of the Nigerian people.”

The SDP Presidential candidate stated that the Social Democratic Party is ready to invest in the welfare of the people, eliminate poverty and insecurity, enthrone justice, equity, and fairness, and instill competence, character, and commitment as the ethos of good governance.

“In the contest that is coming, we will prove to you that we merit your confidence and we can earn your support. I wish every Nigerian a hearty 62nd independence celebration God bless Nigeria”.

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