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SDP Presidential Candidate, Prince Adewole Adebayo Promises Human Rights Reform


SDP Presidential Candidate, Prince Adewole Adebayo Promises Human Rights Reform

The Social Democratic Party (SDP) has promised to strengthen Nigeria's human rights institutions, ensure institutional support for human rights, and educate citizens more on human rights fundamentals.

The party's presidential candidate, Prince Adewole Adebayo, made the remarks at the Presidential Town Hall on Human Rights and the 2023 Elections, which took place on Saturday, December 10th, to commemorate the 2022 International Human Rights Day.

The National Human Rights Commission (NHRC) organized the town hall in collaboration with the United Nations Nigeria.

SDP Presidential Candidate, Prince Adewole Adebayo Promises Human Rights Reform

The commission invited presidential candidates to make presentations on how they intend to protect and fulfill Nigerians' human rights if elected.

Prince Adebayo stated that his party will bring in new leadership that recognizes human rights and provides what citizens require to maintain their dignity, as human rights demand.

He said, “Chapter 2 of the constitution says that there's a level of dignity you must give to people and to give them that dignity, you must provide certain infrastructure in the society and the government is most equipped to make those changes”.

“That is why when you see the manifesto of the Social Democratic Party, why we are even called the social Democratic Party is that we believe that social investments in nutrition, in basic housing and habitats in education, in affordable health care in basic infrastructure will raise civilization to a point where there is less tension in the society”.

According to the SDP presidential candidate, human rights are a continuous engagement that requires full attention, just like any other agenda in society.

He went on to say that human rights should be ingrained in Nigerian culture so that respecting human rights becomes a way of life for everyone.

"We should look at human right as a culture. I've lived in many countries and in countries in which human rights are respected; it is not a government thing”.

"It is that generally that their society has gotten used to human rights, where you respect the rights of people generally”, Adebayo added. 

Every year on December 10th, the International Human Rights Day commemorates the adoption of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.

Professor Christopher Imumolen of the Accord Party, Hamza Al-Mustapha of the AA, Omoyele Sowore of the AAC, Yabagi Yusuf Sani Jakardan of the ADP, and others were also present to speak during the townhall.

Other members of Prince Adebayo's entourage included Khadijat Bolanle Lamidi-Okunu, Sen. Ugochukwu Uba, Mr Patrick Anethua, Pastor Ade Alabi, and Chief Godwin Osigbeme.

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