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The Keys To A Man's Heart


The keys To A Man's Heart

A man’s heart is a vital organ that pumps blood throughout his body. It is also the seat of emotion and instinct. A weak or strong heart will have an immense influence on his life. A weak heart often leads to death as it cannot pump sufficient blood to all of his body’s organs. On the other hand, a strong heart can pump enough blood to be healthy and strong. In order for a man to have a strong heart, he must learn how to use his heart effectively.

 A man’s heart is the strongest muscle and must be trained to have moral character. Although the heart is usually pictured as a ball, it actually has two valves that control blood flow when squeezing or relaxing. The valves are connected by cardiac muscles that contract or relax depending on the emotion they are stimulated by. When experiencing extreme emotions, such as anger or anxiety, the cardiac muscles contract more forcefully which pumps more blood through his body. This results in feelings of anxiety and fear which can make him sick if he does not regulate his emotions with compassion and kindness. If he routinely regulates his emotions with compassion and kindness, he will have moral character which strengthens his heart even more. 

Natural instincts must be replaced with moral character to have a healthy heart. When animals feel fear or dread, they either flee from or fight their predators to protect their young— this increases their chances of survival and ensures their genes continue to thrive in future generations. Man’s moral instincts are enhanced by religious education that teaches him how God created him with compassion and kindness so he could thrive in society— this makes him feel secure enough to live at peace with others. As long as he feels anxiety when violating societal values— such as stealing, lying or cheating — he will remain secure and healthy by regulating his emotions with compassion and kindness towards others. When having emotions such as anger or greed, he should replace them with compassion for those around him who are suffering due to joblessness or hunger since these will make him angry enough to find work for them or help those in need around him become more prosperous through generosity . 

A man with a strong heart has a greater chance at creating a successful family as emotional support is required for physical activities such as eating, sleeping and breathing . 

He also needs emotional support during times of fatigue such as during work when taking care of daily tasks himself rather than delegating them like he should if he has a strong heart . He should also take care of those close to him emotionally so they don’t become dependent on external sources of emotional support such as alcohol , drugs , gambling , sex , social media , etc.. This way, they will always have someone looking out for them so they can raise families successfully while feeling secure enough with a strong heart

 A man must constantly train himself how to regulate his emotions if he wishes to have a healthy heart that can support all of his body’s internal organs . Compassion is the best way towards emotional regulation since it replaces natural instincts with moral character — this makes him feel secure enough both mentally and physically . Once he knows how to regulate himself compassionately , he can focus on building up the rest of his body via physical activities like eating , sleeping , exercising , etc.. A man who has built up this part of himself is much less likely than one who has not towards having an active and healthy heart! 

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